Friday, April 15, 2011

Artist Worksheet

Your name: Christopher Liberatore      
Photographers name: Larry Clark
Title of Photograph: Dead, 1970

Artist Bio:
Education?: Clark attended the Layton School of Art in Milwaukee, where he studied under Walter Sheffer and Gerhard Bakker. In 1964 he moved to New York City to freelance but was drafted within two months to serve in the Vietnam War.

Upbringing?: Clark was brought up in Tulsa Oklahoma. Mother was a itinerant
baby photographer and enlisted himself in the family business at age 13.

Art experience?: He attended the Layton School of Art. In 1971 he published Tulsa which included family photos, more teenage drug use, graphic pictures of teenage sexual activity, and young male hustlers in Times Square.

Artistic Background:

Did your artists work in other artistic Mediums (paint, clay etc?) no

Why is he or she a photographer? He became involved in photography at a young age and has stuck with it. 

What inspires his/her work? Drug Use, teenage sex

Has your artists encountered any hardships or successes in his or her life that are directly reflected in their work?  Yes, at a young age clark became involved in shooting amphetamines. (1959) This obviously shows in the pictures and films that Clark has directed. 

Your image:
Why did you select this image?
I selected this because it is one of the cleanest pictures that I could find.  Most of his other pictures include nudity or drug use.

How would you describe your photographers style? (in your own words)
Very obscene and straight forward.

After researching the photographer what have you found most interesting about his/her photographic style or image production?
I have found that mostly everything he has produced whether it be movies or photographs, they have been very obscene.

How are you planning to recreate your photographers image? 
I plan to either have one of my guy or girl friends pose for it with either a paintball gun or an airsoft gun.

What images do you anticipate taking to recreated this image? (i.e. describe the shots you intend to take to reach your final goal)
I might set up in a place with a dark background and blur it out. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Aperture- The opening of the lens when the shutter release button is hit.  Aperture is how wide the lens opens when the picture is taken and how much light enters the frame. The wider the opening, the more light and smaller the opening, less light.  Measured in f-steps, aperture is referred to as f/2.8, f/4 etc.

Shutter-  the amount of time the lens is open during a picture.  Shutter speed is measured in seconds, mostly fractions of seconds.  If the shutter is too slow, a moving picture will be blury due to the lack of quickness to catch the picture.

The Olympus FE310 has over 17 different shooting modes.  Also it has high iso sensitivity and faster shutter speeds allowing blur free photos.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This photo appeals to me because of the color and scenery.  The way the lake and mountain is portrayed really catches my eye.  I located this picture on Flickr.  I would like to recreate this effect just to see what I would be able to make out of the picture. This photo was taken with a Canon EOS 450D.

The way the colors blend and reflect in this picture really capture my eye.I located this picture on flickr and it was taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II.

I like the calm and peacefulness this picture gives off. It looks like the dock runs forever. I located this picture on Flickr.  This picture was taken with a Pentax 67.